Ongoing Projects
Tecno Poetic Biennale in Odense
The re-enchanted future is found in the intersection between art and technology
If we do it right, we can have a technopoetic renaissance. But it requires a focal point. A meaningful and physical meeting place where artists, technologists, and researchers can manifest the intersection that their professions already constitute.
The first Techno Poetic Biennale will take place in Odense in 2025 or 2026.
Resonans Festival in Oure
An annual conference at Oure College about the general formation and education of citizens.
The basic premise for the event is the need to develop a modern concept of formation, which introduces the humanistic point of view in an age when technological evolution has taken over as that which dictates the development of society.
Not only individuals are struck. The world’s acceleration also causes social crises and the demolition of nature, which constitutes the whole foundation of our existence. This diagnosis is created and portrayed by the German sociologist Hartmut Rosa in his brick-sized effort Resonanz from 2016 – a sociological theory that illustrates humanity’s relationship with the world.